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Ancient and Medieval History provides thorough coverage of world history from prehistory through the mid-1500s, with special Topic Centers on key civilizations and regions, including the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient and medieval Africa, ancient and medieval Asia, the Americas, medieval Europe, and the Islamic World. Each civilization’s history is brought to life through articles, videos and slideshows, primary sources, and more.

Citing - MLA

Example of an encyclopedic entry:

English, Edward D. “Concepts of Nature during the Middle Ages.” Encyclopedia of the Medieval World, Vol. 2, Facts On File, 2005. Ancient and Medieval History, Accessed 23 May 2020.

Citing - APA

Example of an encyclopedic entry:

English, E. D. (2005). Concepts of nature during the Middle Ages. In Encyclopedia of the Medieval World, vol. 2. New York: Facts On File. Retrieved May 23, 2020, from

Citing - Chicago

Example of an encyclopedic entry:

English, Edward D. "Concepts of Nature during the Middle Ages." Encyclopedia of the Medieval World, Vol. 2. Facts On File, 2005. Accessed May 23, 2020.