Compare Databases, Search Engines & Library Catalogs: Search Engines

Not sure where to begin your search? Learn what type of information you will find when searching databases, search engines, and library catalogs.

Why Use a Search Engine?

Use a search engine to:

  • Browse search results for quick overview of a topic
  • Find information on organizations, groups, and personal web pages related to a topic
  • Can be used for finding articles, but it can be difficult to narrow down results, find relevant material, and determine the quality of information
  • Be wary when using Internet sources, there are no quality control mechanisms to make sure the information is accurate.

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is a service that uses a computer program to search the Internet and identify items that match the keywords entered into the search box.

What are Some Examples of Search Engines?

Here are a few of the most popular search engines:

Logos of example search engines