ENGL 099 - Integrated Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking - Wood - Course Guide: Databases

Why Use a Database?

Why use a database to search for information?

  • Organized information = more relevant search results
  • Search for keywords in the title, author, or full-text of articles
  • Articles are tagged with subject headings = easily find articles on the same topic
  • Articles in databases have been reviewed by experts = information in databases more reliable than information found on the Internet
  • Access the full-text of magazine, newspaper and journal articles.

What is a Database?

Databases are collections of journal, magazine and news articles, dissertations, reviews, and abstracts that can be accessed online.

Databases are made up of different types of articles.

What are Some Examples of Databases?

A few examples of databases, include:

Logos from several example databases.

A more complete list of databases can be found: