Mental Health Awareness

May 2018

Human brain -- left brain and right brain

Books & Ebooks

Depression: A Public Feeling
Lifelong Engagement with Music: Benefits for Mental Health and Well-Being
Guidelines for Music Therapy Practice in Mental Health
The Mindfulness Toolbox: 50 Practical Tips, Tools & Handouts for Anxiety, Depression, Stress & Pain
The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety
The Tao of Bipolar: Using Meditation and Mindfulness to Find Balance and Peace
Depression, Emotion and the Self: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Living with Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Individuals and Families
Art from Adversity: A Life with Bipolar
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill
Depression: A Silent Culprit in Health and Disease

Mental Health for All by Involving All - Vikram Patel - TED Talks

Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? - Bailey Parnell - TEDxRyersonU

The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise - Wendy Suzuki - TED Talks