Articles provide information on very specific, narrow topics. The Library purchases article databases so you may access articles for your topic – for free. Researchers use them when they need:
Scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine and newspaper articles for most subject areas. Includes full-text for 9,000+ and indexing for 15,000+ publications. Also includes book chapters, Associated Press videos, encyclopedias, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: As early as 1887-present.
Scholarly/peer-reviewed articles for biology including biological chemistry, biophysics, botany, cytology and histology, environmental studies, microbiology, microscopy, and zoology. Coverage: 1986 – present.
Scholarly/peer reviewed journal articles in medicine and biology. Coverage: 1997 - present
Health and medical research database for openly available content related to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Includes aquaculture, atmospherics, astrophysics, climatology, conservation, geology, marine science and oceanography, paleontology, petrology, pollution, seismology, stratigraphy, weather, and more. Contains full-text journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. Coverage: varies.
Full-text content of resources available to support research in environmental science and related fields, including engineering, biotechnology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, ecology, and biology. Coverage: varies.
Scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine and newspaper articles for most subject areas. Includes full-text for 8,000+ and indexing for 17,000+ publications. Also includes book chapters, encyclopedias, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: 1980-present.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, images and videos, and encyclopedia entries for science issues, topics and current events. Includes chemistry, earth and environmental science, health and medicine, life science, physics and astronomy, technology, mathematics, science history and biography. Coverage: varies.
Covers business, health, language, literature, social sciences, education, science and technology, performing and visual arts, history, religion, philosophy. Includes jorurnals, magazines, newspapers and more from around the world.
Scholarly/peer reviewed articles from the journal, Science. Coverage: 1997 - present.
SpringerOpen provides fully open access journals and books, covering many disciplines.