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Information for faculty & staff about the Ereserves service

Ereserves Now Sunsetted

Ereserves has been sunsetted as of August 7, 2020. Course content should now be housed within a course's Canvas page.

All content removed as of October 1, 2020.

Ereserves Transition to Canvas

To provide a more seamless experience for students, course materials previously linked to within Ereserves should be moved to Canvas.

Q: Why transition to Canvas?

A: Canvas provides a more seamless environment for students by using a single place for accessing course materials - students no longer have to learn to navigate the Ereserves structure or worry about special passwords.  Before tools like Canvas became available, Ereserves provided a place for students to access course materials online.  Now that Canvas is used in so many HCC courses, it makes sense to use Canvas to provide a one-stop-shop for a course's content.

Q: Can I still have materials added to Ereserves?

A: Ereserves is no longer accepting any new course materials.

Q: Can I get my old course materials from Ereserves?

A: All course materials have been removed as of October 1, 2020.

Q: Can the Library still help with questions I have about posting copyrighted material?

A: Yes, you can always ask us copyright questions - contact Nana Owusu-Nkwantabisa.

Q: Where can I get help using Canvas?

A: Canvas help is available from Elearning via the myHCC portal - go to Faculty Resources, then Teaching & Learning Services, then eLearning.