Find Articles in Library Databases: Using AND, OR, NOT

Database Search Tips: Quotation marks ""

Quotation marks "" in search:

  • Use when searching for a phrase
  • Database searches all keywords inside the quotation marks, in the exact order they are typed
"global warming"    instead of    global warming
Search results only include articles that have the keywords global and warming next to each other.   Search results include all articles that have the keywords global and warming, even if they are not next to each other.

Database Search Tips: AND

AND in search:

  • Use AND (in all capital letters) to join different concepts or different aspects of the question
  • Database searches for articles that include all keywords
  • The more words connected by AND, the fewer articles you get
dogs AND cats           Comparing the Search Results
Search Number of Results
dogs 77,871
cats 53,907
dogs AND cats 7,593


Search results only include articles that mention both dogs and cats.    

Database Search Tips: OR

OR in search:

  • Use OR (in all capital letters) to join similar, equivalent, or synonymous concepts
  • Database searches for articles that include at least one of the keywords
  • The more words connected by OR, the more articles you get
dogs AND cats           Comparing the Search Results
Search Number of Results
dogs 77,871
cats 53,907
dogs OR cats 124,185


Search results include all articles that mention either dogs or cats.
They also include articles that mention dogs and cats.

Searching Using AND, OR, NOT (Tutorial)