Banned Books - 2017

A guide to information about why books are banned, a history of banned books; and, other helpful resources.

What Books are Challenged?

Where are Books Challenged?

Where are books Challenged? 49% in Public Libraries. 30% in Schools. 20% in School Libraries. 1% in Special Libraries. 82-97% of challenges remain unreported.
Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association.

Top Ten Challenged Books

Who Challenges Books?

Who Challenges Books? 42% are parents. 31% are library patrons. 10% are library board/administration. 8% are librarians/teachers. 2% are political & religious groups. 2% are government. 5% are other.
Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association.

Why are Books Challenged?

Why are Books Challenged? Sexually explicit. Offensive langauge. Religious viewpoint. LGBT, Violence. Gender roles. Author. Horror. Racism. Nudity. N word. Transgender main character. Art. Drugs. Satanism. Occult. Suicide. Scary to minors. Political viewpoint. Rape. Profanity. Abortion. Sex education. Pornographic. Uneducational. Offensive. Dangerous. Death. Inaccurate. Profanity. Supernatural. Defies authority. Racial overtones. Excessive police force. Racial slurs. Illustrations. Low literay value. Disgusting & all around offensive.
Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association.