Most of the professional development ebooks & audiobook are available through the Library's Overdrive website and through the Libby reading app. Your HCC login credentials provide access to all the available titles.
A list of print books eligible for professional development will be added to this page in the near future. For now, please search Power School using print books to see titles.
Are there titles you would like to see recommended for professional development?
Let us know using our online form:
Library staff are always on the lookout for what our faculty and staff want to read, and professional development is no different.
Just like any professional development session, you need to register in Power School.
To find titles in Power School, you can search by one of the following:
Some titles may be available in more than one format, but you can only receive PD credit for the title one time.
Read or listen to the title you've registered for.
Ebooks and audiobooks will have a link in the section information to access the title.
Print books will list the call number in the section information for the title:
After you finish reading or listening, you'll need to return to Power School to complete the online survey.