Tell Me a Story: Folk and Fairy Tales

December 2024


Children into Swans : Fairy Tales and the Pagan Imagination
From the Beast to the Blonde
The Irresistible Fairy Tale
Off with Their Heads!
Craving Supernatural Creatures
Fairy Tales and Feminism
The Witch Must Die
Clever Maids
Marvelous Geometry
The Fairy Tale
Fairy Godfather
Cinderella Across Cultures


The Robber with a Witch's Head
Baboushka and the Three Kings
Folktales of Egypt
The Monkey King
Tales of Afghanistan
Vietnamese Children's Favorite Stories
Russian Fairy Tales
Vidokoni: Folktales from Mzimba, Malawi
Beneath the Moon Fairy Tales, Myths, and Divine Stories from Around the World
Cinderella in America