Testing and Education Reference Center - Eresources Help: Home


TERC is loaded with information on colleges, technical schools, practice entrance exams, and certification and professional license exams that show students what to expect and how to prepare for — and excel at — the next level. Plus, the resume Builder and Virtual career library make TERC perfect for job seekers by providing specific examples and tips for the job search.

Searching for NCLEX

Provides NCLEX-PN and NCLEX-RN text prep materials, including:

  • online practice tests;
  • online books;
  • quick quiz;
  • dates/deadlines;
  • and more.

How to use Testing and Education Reference Center:

  • connect using the link below;
  • if off-campus, follow HCC Library log in instructions;
  • in the Career Tools section, select medical/nursing
  • click on NCLEX;
  • click on the link for the item you wish to view;
  • if necessary register as a new user (or log on if you've previously registered) - this allows you to store your progress;
  • proceed with using the resource.
  • you may take the NCLEX practice exam three times once registered