We suggest using the following core resources:
Collection of encyclopedic entries, book chapters, overview essays, primary sources, timelines, images, maps and charts, biographies, etc. for events, themes, organizations, places and cultural developments in American History. Includes 2,500+ biographies, 2,000+ primary source documents; timelines; 3,000+ images and a Selection of the Month section that highlights an event tied to each month. Coverage: varies
Encyclopedia entries, primary documents, multi-media and maps for 26 different cultures from ancient Greeks and Romans to Chaucer's England and Colonial America. Coverage: Ancient world – present.
Scholarly/peer reviewed articles from 400+ publications in the arts and sciences. Note: Current issues (usually the last 2 - 5 years) are NOT included by JSTOR and may be available for a fee directly from the publisher or through another source. HCC Library has access to the Arts & Sciences I Collection, Arts & Sciences II Collection, Arts & Sciences III Collection, Arts & Sciences IV Collection and Open Content Collection. Includes digital image collections. Coverage: varies, never has the most two current years of publication.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, images and videos, and encyclopedia entries for United States history. Coverage: varies.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, images and videos, and encyclopedia entries for world history. Coverage: varies.