We suggest using the following core resources:
Covers a wide range of computer science topics, including information systems, computer security, database design, software development, web commerce, networks, intranets, and the Internet. Coverage: varies.
Covers telecommunications, computer applications, data communication, data transmission systems, electronic data processing, information science, information theory, radio, television, wireless communications, and more. Includes journals, magazines and newsletters. Coverage: 1995 – present.
Scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine and newspaper articles for most subject areas. Includes full-text for 9,000+ and indexing for 15,000+ publications. Also includes book chapters, Associated Press videos, encyclopedias, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: As early as 1887-present.
Covers business, health, language, literature, social sciences, education, science and technology, performing and visual arts, history, religion, philosophy. Includes jorurnals, magazines, newspapers and more from around the world.