Articles provide information on very specific, narrow topics. The Library purchases article databases so you may access articles for your topic – for free. Researchers use them when they need:
Scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine and newspaper articles for most subject areas. Includes full-text for 8,000+ and indexing for 17,000+ publications. Also includes book chapters, encyclopedias, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: 1980-present.
Scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine and newspaper articles for most subject areas. Includes full-text for 9,000+ and indexing for 15,000+ publications. Also includes book chapters, Associated Press videos, encyclopedias, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Coverage: As early as 1887-present.
Scholarly/peer reviewed articles from 400+ publications in the arts and sciences. Note: Current issues (usually the last 2 - 5 years) are NOT included by JSTOR and may be available for a fee directly from the publisher or through another source. HCC Library has access to the Arts & Sciences I Collection, Arts & Sciences II Collection, Arts & Sciences III Collection, Arts & Sciences IV Collection and Open Content Collection. Includes digital image collections. Coverage: varies, never has the most two current years of publication.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine articles for most subject areas and business and legal information. Includes foreign language news; company, industry, and market news; legal news; company financial information; accounting, auditing and tax information; law reviews; federal and state law, regulations and statutes; court opinions; and SEC filings such as 10-K's, 10-Q's, and their exhibits. French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish language newspapers.
Coverage: 1990 – present.
Collection of book chapters, newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer reviewed articles and general and biographical encyclopedia entries for issues and controversies in history. Coverage: varies.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, images and videos, and encyclopedia entries for United States history. Coverage: varies.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed articles, primary sources, images and videos, and encyclopedia entries for world history. Coverage: varies.
Newspaper articles from the Baltimore Sun. Includes news from Maryland. Does not include .PDF files of the actual paper or images. Coverage: 1990 – present.
Newspaper articles from the New York Times newspaper. Coverage: 1980 - present.
Articles from the newspaper, The Wall Street Journal. Coverage: 1982 - present.
Articles from the newspaper, The Washington Post. Coverage: 1987 - present
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine articles for most subject areas and business and legal information. Includes foreign language news; company, industry, and market news; legal news; company financial information; accounting, auditing and tax information; law reviews; federal and state law, regulations and statutes; court opinions; and SEC filings such as 10-K's, 10-Q's, and their exhibits. French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish language newspapers.
Coverage: 1990 – present.
Access these databases from:
The Howard County Library System (public library) provides access to a number of historical newspaper databases, including: