PSYC 101 - General Psychology - Course Guide: Articles

PGCC Students

To access HCC Library resources, you will need a special username and password - you must ask your regular course professor for this information. The username and password will only be provided to the regular course professor - library staff will not provide this information directly to students.

PGCC Library also provides access to Psychology Database and Psychology (Gale OneFile):

Use your OWL login credentials to access the psychology databases available to you.

Why Use...

Articles provide information on very specific, narrow topics. The Library purchases article databases so you may access articles for your topic – for free. Researchers use them when they need:

  • Magazines and Newspapers: Brief coverage of contemporary events written to all levels of readers.
  • Peer Reviewed/Scholarly Journals: Reports of research or scholarship on specific topics written by scholars to other scholars

Article Databases for Psychology

Terms to Know

Searchable file with articles collected and indexed from journals, magazines & newspapers

Brief summary or overview of an article

The complete content of an article

Peer reviewed or refereed
Article has been formally reviewed by experts in that field of study before they are accepted and published