The amount of information available varies by type of company:
Also, more information may be available for U.S. based companies than for non-U.S. companies.
When searching for companies:
A ticker symbol, an abbreviated form of a company's stock name, can be used in some databases to search for information about public companies.
Example: Search for Amazon using the ticker symbol AMZN
Find ticker symbols through major stock exchanges, including:
United States:
The Business Market Research Collection provides company, industry, and geopolitical macroeconomic market research from three sources: Hoover's Company Profiles, which offers information on 40,000 global public and non-public companies including location, summary financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch, which features succinct articles covering significant economic and political developments of major significance from a network of over 1,000 faculty at Oxford and beyond; and, Snapshots Series, which includes market research overviews on over 40 industries and 40 countries to 2008. Coverage: 1986 – present.
Scholarly/peer reviewed journal, magazine, and newspaper articles for all business subjects, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Includes full-text for 3,000+ and indexing for 4,000+ titles. Also includes financial data, books, major reference works, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more. Coverage: as early as 1965.
Collection of newspaper, magazine and scholarly/peer-reviewed, magazine articles for most subject areas and business and legal information. Includes foreign language news; company, industry, and market news; legal news; company financial information; accounting, auditing and tax information; law reviews; federal and state law, regulations and statutes; court opinions; and SEC filings such as 10-K's, 10-Q's, and their exhibits. French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish language newspapers.
Coverage: 1990 – present.
Company websites often provide:
Look on a company's website for sections such as: